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This webpage is to help you explore your own musical talents and ability. If you have a question or a suggestion about class, you can also use this webpage as a way to contact me privately.
Now a message for parents, so make sure they read this.
Dear Parents of P186@140,
Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year. The music program emphasizes music literacy and integrates music education and music therapy techniques to allow your child's musical development to expand each year. Discipline in my classroom is learned by following the rules of NYC Board of Education as outlined by the Discipline Code, the rules of the school, and the rules in my classroom. I basically have 3 expectations of students in my class . They must
1-Respect themselves
2-Respect others including the teachers
3-Respect property (both music related and non music related)
Please contact me via email so I can keep you informed about your child's progress as needed, performance dates, and how you can get involved to strengthen the music program.
Students, if you are in in music groups, you can find music that you can print out. Any music that is on the website has been done so with the permission from the publisher and is printable. At the bottom of this webpage are pictures and sound files of work done in the classroom. If you want your picture on the web, you must bring me a Photo on the Web permission slip signed by your parents. I hope you have a good school year and I look forward to making music with you.
Contact Us
Dear Students (both in my class and those on the internet),
This webpage is to help you explore your own musical talents and ability. If you have a question or a suggestion about class, you can also use this webpage as a way to contact me privately. Now a message for your parents.
Dear Parents of P186@140,
Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year. The music program emphasizes music literacy and integrates music education and music therapy techniques to allow your child's musical development to expand each year. Discipline in my classroom is learned by following the rules of NYC Board of Education as outlined by the Discipline Code, the rules of the school, and the rules in my classroom. I basically have 3 expectations of students in my class . STUDENTS must
1-Respect themselves
2-Respect others including the ADULTS
3-Respect property (both music related and non music related)
Please contact me via email so I can keep you informed about your child's progress as needed, performance dates, and how you can get involved to strengthen the music program.
There are many Exciting webpages I have included in the links section to increase your music knowledge and creativity on your own . if you are in in music groups, you can find music that you can print out in THE DOWNLOADS Section. Any music that is on the website has been done so with the permission from the publisher and is printable. In the Gallery Section of this webpage are pictures, VIDEO and sound files of work done in the classroom. If you want your picture on the web, you must HAVE a WEB PHOTO PERMISSION SLIP signed by your parents. I hope you have a good school year and I look forward to making music with you
Contact ME
Dear Students (both in my class and those who I have not met on the internet),
This webpage is to help you explore your own musical talents and ability. If you have a question or a suggestion about class, you can also use this webpage as a way to contact me privately. Now a message for your parents
Dear Parents of P186@140,
Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year. The music program emphasizes music literacy and integrates music education and music therapy techniques to allow your child's musical development to expand each year. Discipline in my classroom is learned by following the rules of NYC Board of Education as outlined by the Discipline Code, the rules of the school, and the rules in my classroom. I basically have 3 expectations of students in my class . They must
1-Respect themselves
2-Respect others including the teachers
3-Respect property (both music related and non music related)
Please contact me via email so I can keep you informed about your child's progress as needed, performance dates, and how you can get involved to strengthen the music program.
Students, if you are in in music groups, you can find music that you can print out. Any music that is on the website has been done so with the permission from the publisher and is printable. At the bottom of this webpage are pictures and sound files of work done in the classroom. If you want your picture on the web, you must bring me a Photo on the Web permission slip signed by your parents. I hope you have a good school year and I look forward to making music with you